Pernikahan adalah seremonial yang banyak menguras perhatian. Persiapan pernikahan pada umumnya memerlukan waktu paling tidak sekitar 8-12 bulan jika segala sesuatunya dilakukan sendiri.
Jika anda tidak punya waktu selama itu, manfaatkanlah jasa wedding organizer yang umumnya membutuhkan waktu sekitar 6-8 bulan. Sebetulnya apa saja sih, yang harus dipersiapkan?
1. Menentukan tanggal pernikahan
Walaupun pada dasarnya semua hari itu baik, tak ada salahnya mencantumkan tanggal dan bulan favorit sebagai tanggal pernikahan. Hal ini akan memudahkan anda untuk mengingat dan merayakannya.
2. Menentukan jumlah undangan dan anggaran
Sebelum menentukan anggaran pernikahan, hal pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah menentukan jumlah undangan, karena menjadi tolak ukur paling tepat untuk menentukan anggaran dan besarnya ruangan untuk pesta.
Sesuai standar internasional, sisihkan 40% dari total anggaran untuk keperluan catering. Sisanya sebanyak 60% dapat anda gunakan untuk 6 keperluan utama lainnya, yaitu gedung, acara dan MC, dokumentasi, dekorasi, bridal attire (baju dan tata riasnya) serta undangan dan suvenir.
3. Menentukan gedung
Saatnya menentukan lokasi dan gedung yang akan digunakan. Jika sudah terlanjur menentukan pada satu gedung yang bernuansa romantis tapi kapasitasnya tidak terlalu besar, bagilah undangan dalam 2 waktu yang berbeda. Misalnya jam 19.00-20.00 untuk orangtua dan 20.00-21.00 untuk teman-teman anda dan pasangan.
4. Menentukan gaya dan tema pesta
Demi keserasian pesta, anda harus menentukan tema, sehingga anda dan pasangan dapat menentukan kebaya atau gaun dan jas seperti yang akan dikenakan pada saat pesta berlangsung.
Padukan warna gaun dan dekorasi dengan warna yang sesuai dengan karakter anda berdua. Gaya dan pesta ini biasanya juga akan tampak pada menu makanan, suvenir dan undangan.
5. Lakukan perawatan diri
Bila 4 hal penting diatas sudah dilakukan, kini saatnya melakukan perawatan diri mulai dari lulur, mandi rempah, perawatan wajah, dan pusat kebugaran agar pada saat pernikahan nanti tampil prima. Perawatan diri ini sebaiknya dilakukan oleh kedua mempelai sehingga agar keduanya bisa tampil prima saat pesta pernikahan digelar.
.:diolah dan disajikan dari berbagai sumber:.
Rabu, Januari 23, 2008
- Persiapan Lengkap Pesta Pernikahan -
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- Persiapan Pernikahan -
Informasi penting untuk para calon pengantin dalam menghadapi “hari sakral”. Ada beberapa persiapan yang perlu dilakukan. Simak yang berikut ini …
11 - 12 Bulan Sebelumnya
* Tentukan tujuan bulan madu anda dan mulailah mencari tour yang akan anda pakai.
* Cari informasi bagaimana mendaftarkan pernikahan anda di Catatan Sipil atau KUA.
* Cari informasi bila anda ingin menikah di Gereja atau tempat ibadah lainnya.
* Tentukan tanggal pernikahan, cari beberapa alternatif jika tanggal yang diinginkan tidak tersedia
* Cari informasi mengenai segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan pernikahan, seperti bridal, tempat resepsi, jas pengantin, dan lain-lain. Informasi bisa didapat dari keluarga, teman atau kunjungi pameran-pameran pernikahan.
* Tentukan besar budget Susun budget berdasarkan anggaran, dari paling besar sampai paling kecil Dimulai dari tempat+catering, lalu gaun+foto, dst.
* Buat daftar tempat tempat resepsi. Mulai pikirkan akan diadakan dimana pesta pernikahan anda nanti, apakah di hotel, restoran, atau ball room gedung gedung yang disewakan.
* Lakukan test kesehatan pra nikah.
* Buat daftar catering-catering. Kunjungi mereka, dan lakukan test food. Mulailah menyusun menu untuk pesta pernikahan anda nanti.
9 - 10 Bulan Sebelumnya
* Pesan tempat resepsi untuk pernikahan anda segera agar tidak didahului oleh pasangan lain.
* Tentukan pengiring pengantin anda. 1 orang remaja pengiring wanita , 1 orang pengiring pria, dan 2 orang pengiring anak kecil.
* Tentukan penerima tamu dan penjaga buku tamu.
* Tentukan siapa yang akan menjadi pengawas catering.
* Beritahu tanggal pernikahan anda di Gereja atau tempat ibadah lainnya, bila anda ingin menikah disana.
* Tentukan catering yang akan anda pakai, berikut menu utama dan pondokan.
* Tentukan jumlah tamu yang datang dari kedua belah pihak. Mulailah menulis daftar tamu, tanyakan kedua orang tua anda, nama-nama sanak keluarga yang harus diundang.
* Segera tentukan model baju pengantin anda, dan pilih salah satu dari bridal-bridal yang ada.
* Bila anda menginginkan kedua orang tua perempuan memakai baju dari bahan yang sama pada saat resepsi, mulailah mencari bahan sekarang.
* Tentukan seragam yang akan dipakai oleh penerima tamu, penjaga buku tamu dan keluarga. Mulailah mencari bahannya sekarang.
* Tentukan jas pengantin untuk mempelai pria
7 - 8 Bulan Sebelumnya
* Mulailah menentukan warna yang akan ditonjolkan agar pesta tampil selaras
* Pesan kartu undangan
* Pesan benda-benda ungkapan terima kasih untuk tamu
* Pesan dekorasi ruang resepsi
* Sewa kendaraan segera agar memperoleh jenis dan warna yang diinginkan
* Pesan keperluan dokumentasi, meliputi: foto studio, foto liputan dan video
* Pesan jas mempelai pria lengkap dengan asesorisnya
* Pesan kue pengantin
5 - 6 Bulan Sebelumnya
* Serahkan segera surat-surat untuk pembuatan akta nikah kepada yang berwenang
* Beli atau sewa pernak-pernik kamar pengantin
* Belanja perlengkapan rumah tangga dan keperluan seserahan
* Mengantar pengiring untuk ukur badan untuk pembuatan gaun yang baru
* Rawatlah muka dan tubuh secara teratur
3 - 4 Bulan Sebelumnya
* Kelompokkan kartu undangan untuk memudahkan pengiriman
* Buatlah janji dengan perancang untuk pengepasan gaun pengantin
* Pastikan susunan menu serta hitung jumlah pesanan secermat mungkin
* Ambil pesanan cincin kawin
* Pilih bingkisan untuk mereka yang banyak membantu Anda
* Diskusikan model rambut yang diinginkan dengan penata rambut Anda
* Lakukan test make up
* Foto studio sebaiknya dilakukan pada waktu test make up agar mendapat hasil yang prima
1 - 2 Bulan Sebelumnya
* Jangan lupa mengkonsumsi multivitamin setiap hari
* Susun jadwal acara hari H mulai dari sebelum dirias sampai selesai pesta dan berikan copynya pada pihak yang terkait
* Konfirmasikan semua pesanan Anda atas dekorasi ruang resepsi, foto, video, kue, MC, pemain musik (tentukan pula lagu-lagu yang harus dimainkan), pagar ayu/bagus dan bunga tangan
* Selenggarakan rapat dengan semua panitia
* Lakukan pengepasan terakhir gaun pengantin lengkap dengan asesorisnya
* Lakukan perawatan wajah dan tubuh secara lengkap
* Konfirmasikan kembali semua pesanan
* Istirahat yang cukup
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- Kamus SMS -
Gemar mengirim pesan dengan Short Messages Service ( SMS )?
Daripada mengirim pesan dengan kata-kata panjang, mengapa tidak mencoba menggunakan singkatan umum dalam dunia SMS? Penggunaan singkatan ini, akan membuat anda terlihat semakin gaya, sekalian bikin doi penasaran. Belajar, yuk...
Kamus SMS ini diadopsi dari Bahasa Inggris, karena memang ekspresi-ekspresi dalam Bahasa Inggrislah yang selama ini digunakan dalam sarana komunikasi SMS atau chatting di internet. Umumnya merupakan kependekan kalimat atau gabungan huruf awal dari kata yang dimaksud. Namun, ada juga yang dipadu dengan angka dan simbol. Gampang dihafal, koq!
Berikut listnya
AAM = As a matter of fact (Sebenarnya)
ADctd 2 L = Addicted to Love (Mabuk kepayang)
AFA = As far as (Sejauh ini)
AKA = Also known as (dikenal juga sebagai)
AL I Wan is U = All I want is You (Hanya kau yang kuinginkan)
AML = All my love (Seluruh cintaku)
ASAP = As soon as possible (Secepat mungkin)
ATB = All the best (Yang terbaik)
ATW = At the weekend (Di akhir pekan)
AWHFY = Are we having fun yet (Sudah senang-senang belum?)
B4 = Before (Sebelum)
BBFN = Bye Bye for now (Sampai jumpa)
BBS = Be back soon (Segera kembali)
BBSD = Be back soon darling (Segera kembali, Sayang)
BCNU = Be seein' you (Sampai nanti)
BF = Boyfriend (Pacar)
BGWM = Be gentle with me (Jangan kasar padaku)
BMW = Be my wife (Maukah kau jadi istriku)
BRB = Be right back (Segera kembali)
BTW = By the way (Omong-omong)
Cm = Call me (Telepon aku)
Cu = See you (Sampai jumpa)
CUIMD = See you in my dreams (Sampai jumpa dalam mimpi)
Cul = See you later (Sampai ketemu lagi)
CUL8R = See you later (sampai ketemu lagi)
Dk = Don' t know (Tak tahu)
Dur? = Do you remember (Kau ingat?)
E2eg = Ear to ear grin (Menyeringai lebar)
EOD = End of discussion (Akhir perbincangan)
EOL = End of lecture (Akhir perkuliahan)
F? = Friends (Kawan)
F2F = Face to face (Berhadapan)
F2T = Free to talk (Bebas Bicara)
FITB = Fill in the Blank (Isi titik-titik, isi sendiri bagian yang kosong)
FYEO = For your eyes only. (Rahasia)
FYA = For your amusement (Untuk senang-senang)
FYI = For your information (Sebagai informasi)
GF = Girlfirend. (Pacar)
GG = Good Game (Ucapan ketika kedua pihak yang berseteru selesai melakukan
Gr8 = Great (bagus)
GSOH = Good Salary, Own Home (Gaji OK, punya rumah)
GTSY = Glad to see you (Senang bertemu denganmu)
h2cus = Hope to see you soon (Kuharap kita akan segera bertemu lagi)
H8 = Hate (Benci)
HAGN = Have a good night (Selamat tidur)
HAND = Have a nice day (Selamat bersenang-senang)
hbtu = Happy birthday to you (Selamat ultah)
HldMeCls = Hold me close (Peluk aku erat-erat)
Ht4U = Hot for You ("Panas" untukmu)
H&K = Hugs and Kisses (Peluk cium)
IDK = I don't know (Aku tak tahu)
IIRC = If I recall correctly (Kalau tidak salah ingat)
IK = I know (Aku tahu)
ILU = I love you (Aku cinta kamu)
IMHO = In my humble opinion (Menurutku)
IMI = I mean it (Aku sungguh-sungguh)
IMBLuv = It must be Love (Ini pasti cinta)
IOW = In other words... (Dengan kata lain.)
IOU = I owe you (Aku berhutang padamu)
IUSS = If you say so (Baiklah)
J4F = Just for fun (Sekedar bersenang-senang)
JFK = Just for kicks (Iseng-iseng)
JstCllMe = Just call Me (Telepon saja aku)
KC = Keep cool (Tetap tenang, jangan langsung marah, dst)
KHUF = know how you feel (aku mengerti perasaanmu)
KIT = Keep in touch (hubungi aku terus)
KOTC = Kiss on the cheek (Cium pipi)
KOTL = Kiss on the lips (Cium bibir)
L8 = Late (Telat, malam)
L8r = Later (Nanti)
Lol = Laughing out loud (Tertawa terbahak-bahak)
LTNC = Long time no see (Lama tak jumpa)
LtsGt2gthr = Lets get together (Kita ketemu yuk)
M$ULkeCrZ = Miss you like Crazy! (Rindu kamu setengah mati)
M8 = Mate (Kawan, pasangan)
MC = Merry Christmas (Selamat Natal)
MGB = May God Bless (Semoga Tuhan Memberkati)
Mob = Mobile (Mobil, bergerak)
MYOB = Mind your own Business (Jangan ikut campur)
NA = No access (Tak boleh masuk, tak ada akses)
NC = No comment (Tak ada komentar)
NWO = No way out (Tak ada jalan keluar)
O4U = Only for you (Hanya untukmu)
OIC = Oh, I see. (Oh, begitu.)
OTOH = On the other hand (Di sisi lain)
PCM = Please call me (Tolong telepon aku)
PPL = People (Orang-orang)
Pls = Please
QT = Cutie (Orang yang Lucu, imut, keren)
R = Are
RMB = Ring my Bell (Aku tak ingat, tolong ingatkan aku)
ROTFL = Roll on the floor laughing (Tertawa terpingkal-pingkal)
RU? = Are you? (Kamu?)
RU OK? = Are you Ok? (Kamu baik-baik saja?)
SC = Stay cool (Tenanglah.)
SETE = Smiling Ear to Ear (Tersenyum lebar)
SO = Significant Other (Pendamping)
SOL = Sooner or later (Cepat atau lambat)
SME1 = Some One (Seseorang)
SRY = Sorry (Maaf)
SWALK = Sent with a loving Kiss (Dikirim dengan cium mesra)
SWG = Scientific Wild Guess (Tebakan ilmiah)
T+ = Think positive (Berpikir positif)
T2ul = Talk to you later (Nanti kita bicara lagi ya.)
TDTU = Totally devoted to you (Cinta mati padamu)
Thx = Thanks (Terima kasih)
T2Go = Time to Go (Waktunya berpisah)
TIC = Tongue in Cheek (Ramah)
TMIY = Take me I'm yours (Aku milikmu)
TTFN = Ta ta for now. (Sampai jumpa)
U = You (Kamu)
UR = You are (Kamu)
URT1 = You are the one (kamulah orangnya)
VRI = Very (Sangat)
W4u = Waiting for you (Menantimu)
WAN2 = Want to (Ingin)
WLUMRyMe = Will you marry Me? (Maukah kau menikah denganku?)
WRT = With respect to (Salam hormat untuk)
WUWH = Wish you were here (Andai kau di sini.)
X! = Typical Woman (Wanita biasa)
X = Kiss (Cium)
XclusvlyUrs = Exclusively Yours (Milikmu seorang)
Y! = Typical Man (Pria biasa)
YBS = You'll be Sorry (Kau akan menyesal)
Zzzz = Sleep (Tidur)
Campuran Angka, Simbol dan Huruf
:) atau :-) = Happy, smile (Senang, gembira, tersenyum)
:)) atau :-)) = Laughing (Ngakak)
:( atau :-( = Sad, bad (Sedih)
:(( atau :-(( = Crying (Nangis)
:P atau :-P = Menjulurkan lidah
:X atau :-X = Kiss and Hug (Peluk cium)
:/ atau :-/ = Confused (Bingung)
:O atau :-O = Screaming, Get Shocked (Teriak, Kaget)
O:) atau O:-) = Dizzy (Pening)
:"> = Ashamed (Malu)
;) = Flirting, blinking eye (mengerdipkan mata)
@WRK = At work (Sedang kerja)
2bctnd = To be continued. (Bersambung)
2d4 = To die for (Sangat berharga)
2g4u = Too good for you (Terlalu bagus untukmu)
2Ht2Hndl = Too hot to handle. (Tak bisa dipegang)
2l8 = Too late (Terlambat)
2WIMC = To whom it may concern (Kepada yang berkepentingan)
4e = Forever (Selamanya)
4yeo = For your eyes only (Rahasia)
STD = standar
IMHO (paling banyak dipake ma Erik) = In My Humble Opinion = menurut gue...
FYI = For your information = asal loe tau aja ya...
CMIIW = Correct Me If I Wrong = pentung gue kalau salah
BRB = Be Right Back = bentaran..
japri = Jalur pribadi (kirim email langsung ke orgnya)
OMG(kebangetan kalau gak tahu, Oh.. My God
OOT = Out of Topik = gak nyambung
SPOILER = email review film/novel
Butleg = Bajakan (hehehe...)
LOL = Laugh of Lot = ketawa hebat (terbahak-bahak)
gtg = got to go.
a/s/l,plz (age, sex, location, please),
"Saya mau pv dulu dengan dia", pv artinya bicara berdua saja.
.:diolah dan disajikan dari berbagai sumber:.
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Selasa, Januari 22, 2008
- 8 tren yang mengubah wajah teknologi pada 2008 -
Kekuatan bisnis teknologi akan terus menancapkan akselerasinya di tahun 2008, tidak semua tren akan bernasib baik. Simak tren teknologi yang akan bertahan sepanjang 2008 dan bagaimana pengaruhnya dalam dunia bisnis dan IT – untuk yang terbaik dan terburuk.
The dependence of business on technology will continue its acceleration in 2008, but not all of the trends are happy ones. Learn which tech trends to keep an eye on during 2008 and how they will impact business and IT — for better and for worse.
1. Enterprise IT budgets will shrink in the U.S.
This will be a year of survival for IT departments at U.S. companies. For organizations that have their businesses focused on the U.S. market, 2008 will be a challenging year because of high energy costs, a tight credit market, and the weakness of the U.S. dollar. Many of them will likely be looking to cut costs. IT departments will need to clearly articulate their value in order to preserve their headcounts and budgets.
On the other hand, companies with a large international presence that can take advantage of the rapid infrastructure build-out in emerging markets, could actually grow in 2008. For evidence of that, look at the strong earnings results and 2008 expectations from IBM and GE.
2. Utility computing will start a new wave of IT outsourcing
Repeat after me, “Off-shoring is not the same outsourcing.” Off-shoring is one form of outsourcing, and it’s not the form of outsourcing that I’m talking about here, so keep that in mind. Now, utility computing involves using virtualization to build a data center with a new level of flexibility, scalability, and manageability. Utility computing could allow a company to deploy an entirely new data center within 24 hours. It would allow IT to scale up and scale down server resources on the fly.
For example, scale up the number domain login servers during business hours (when logins are heaviest) and then scale them down at night and scale up data synchronization servers to run during non-business hours. This type of utility computing will turn IT infrastructure and operations into a commodity and will drive costs down as companies outsource their data centers to utility computing vendors. This will run the gamut from full service outsourcing to simple colo arrangements. If you want a sneak peak at what this could look like, check out 3Tera.
3. Mobile Internet will change the way people work
The next stage of the Internet is the widespread mobilization of broadband access. Once that happens, it will have a profound impact on many different industries, businesses, and workers. It will change data consumption habits, business processes, communications infrastructures, and much more. We will begin to see more isolated pockets of these types of changes later this spring in the U.S. with Sprint’s rollout of mobile WiMAX in the Chicago and Washington D.C. areas.
Mobile WiMAX will spread to many other U.S. and international cities over the next 24-36 months on its journey to critical mass and then it will be confronted by competition from LTE and other mobile broadband technologies. However, in the U.S., the next stage of the Internet begins in 2008. If you want to see the future in action today, go to Seoul, South Korea, where an alternative form of mobile WiMAX called WiBro has already been deployed.
4. Green IT will gain legal momentum
IBM and Hewlett-Packard are both in the midst of massive data center consolidation projects. While both of them want to simplify their IT operations, the primary motivator appears to be reducing energy costs. IBM said that its consolidation will save $250 million in energy, reduce floor space for its servers by 85%, and save enough energy to power a small town.
While IBM and HP are taking these actions voluntarily, it’s not going to take long for governments to look at these types of efforts and start to think about mandating energy controls for data centers as part of requiring businesses to get their energy consumption under control. Once governments realize that data centers account for roughly a quarter of all global carbon dioxide emissions then it’s easy to see how legal mandates could soon follow.
5. Unified communications will unlock the business value of VoIP
While lots of companies have deployed VoIP in recent years, the true business value and productivity benefits of those systems won’t be fully unlocked until unified communications is deployed on top of VoIP. UC uses software as the glue that allows workers to connect multiple messaging and productivity systems including e-mail, phone, instant messaging, calendaring, phone conferencing, and video conferencing. Combining all of these functions with integrated presence information can then open the door to more efficient communication between workers and help tame the chaos that is currently causing workers to have to manage up to five different systems to get their messages.
6. Businesses will continue to avoid Windows Vista
Windows Vista will almost certainly sell more licenses in 2008 than it did in 2007, but that doesn’t mean that businesses will deploy it in large numbers. Since a Vista upgrade offers no major value proposition over Windows XP SP2, it’s difficult to see businesses ever widely adopting it under any current scenario. Plus, there have been rumblings that Microsoft might release Windows 7 (the successor to Vista) in 2009, which could indicate that Microsoft is on the verge of simply writing off Vista and attempting to move the majority of Windows users directly from XP to Windows 7.
7. WAN caching will save bandwidth and speed up remote users
Among the largest expenses in the IT budget are WAN and Internet bandwidth charges. It doesn’t help that most IT departments use their bandwidth very inefficiently by repeatedly sending the same files back and forth across the WAN. The good news is that several new WAN caching technologies from companies such as Riverbed, Packeteer, and Ipanema are changing the game (and Cisco and Juniper are trying to get into the game, too).
WAN caching can dramatically improve application performance and speed up file transfer for branch offices and remote workers. It does this by caching files and only transferring the changes, which also results in a significant reduction in bandwidth usage. For more on WAN caching, see Maximize application performance for remote offices and mobile workers.
8. Demand will grow for alternative form factor computers
In 2008, laptop computers will surpass desktops in total units sold for the first time, according to research firm IDC (laptops already passed desktops in retail sales back in 2005). IDC also estimates that laptops could represent two-thirds of all units sold by 2011. With businesses and users needing more portable computers, look for demand to grow for alternative form factor computers with even greater mobility.
This includes ultraportable notebooks, ultra mobile PCs (UMPCs), mobile Internet devices (MIDs, a new category touted by Intel), and even high-end smartphones with larger screens. These devices will become critical not just for a highly mobile professionals, but also industries where many workers don’t sit at desks, such as health care, industrial, transportation, etc. However, these devices won’t truly become mainstream until the mobile Internet hits critical mass.
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label artikel -> .:teknologi.informasi:.
Kamis, Januari 17, 2008
Kota terbaik untuk bekerja di Amerika 2008
Jika anda berminat untuk bekerja di Amerika, diwajibkan bagi anda membaca artikel ini. Keluaran dari ini memetik sedikit liputannya untuk anda.
Austin, Fort Worth, Houston and San Antonio all rank high on the latest forecast data from Moody's McAllen, Texas, is expected to have the highest job growth rate, as its leisure and hospitality, educational and health services and commercial construction jobs flourish.
"While the economy is cooling, Texas continues to generate more jobs than the national average," said Krista Piferrer, deputy press secretary to Gov. Rick Perry. "Unemployment is low in Texas, thanks in large part to a favorable business climate that encourages businesses to expand or relocate to our state."
Even still, Salt Lake City, in all its tech-job abundance, looks like it will remain No. 1 since's most recent ranking.
To compile the rankings for the Best Cities For Jobs list forecast, we used five data points, weighted equally: the state's unemployment rate, job growth, income growth, median household income and cost of living for full-year 2006 (only partial data is available so far for 2007). We measured the largest 100 metropolitan areas, as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau, and obtained the data from Moody's
The numbers are compiled based on greater metropolitan areas; it's also important to note that this list doesn't weigh specifics like job composition or job stability, two significant characteristics that will appeal to any job seeker.
Mark Zandi, chief economist and co-founder of Moody's, acknowledged the housing market depression the company is facing and said the destinations that prevail on this list weren't as heavily vested in the real estate development boom, which ultimately led to a historic bust.
That's not to say the highest-ranking cities on this list are completely in the clear, though: "If we have a national recession, if problems intensify nationwide, these economies are going to struggle," Zandi said.
The top cities on this list also include Atlanta, plentiful in transportation, distribution and financial services careers. Indianapolis has a strong showing in agriculture, too. Omaha, Neb., Warren Buffet's hometown, offers jobs at opposite ends of the spectrum, in financial services and agriculture as well. The Emerald City--Seattle--bring s aerospace and global trade professions to the table.
Kurt Ronn, president and founder of HRworks, an Atlanta-based job recruitment and consulting firm, said Americans gravitate to certain locales based on opportunity and affordability, both offered right in his backyard.
He noted that, on a broad scale, the employment picture has been strong in the areas of technology and logistics, such as in distribution and sales.
Some notables: Honolulu is the best in the pack for low unemployment, a good sign that tourism there remains healthy. Edison, N.J., ranked the highest in the median income category. Buffalo, N.Y., has the lowest cost of living, while San Jose, Calif., has the highest. New York sits at No. 58 on the list, while Los Angeles is No. 87.
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label artikel -> .:karir:.
Jumat, Januari 11, 2008
:: 10 Prediksi tahun 2008 -:- Microsoft ::
Berikut adalah 10 prediksi dari Pundit tentang apa yang akan terjadi di Microsoft land pada tahun 2008.
1. Fiji resurfaces
First up: Expect "Fiji," the new version of Windows Media Center, to resurface. Fiji, which probably now has a boring codename like Windows 6.5, will reemerge from information lock-down in early 2008. I wouldn't be surprised to see Microsoft field a private test build of Fiji as soon as January (timed with the Consumer Electronics Show). Because Fiji allegedly requires Vista Service Pack 1 to work, a public beta is probably unlikely until spring. Final Fiji release: I'm betting late summer 2008 (in time for Holiday 2008 preloads).
2. Apple finally admits it licensed Microsoft ActiveSync
Apple is none too happy when it can't maintain its shroud of secrecy. That's why Apple still hasn't announced -- even though it would make many business customers happy -- that it licensed the ActiveSync protocol from Microsoft that will make it easier to sync the iPhone with Exchange Server.
But Apple can't hold off forever. CEO Steve Jobs might admit Apple inked the licensing agreement with Microsoft at Macworld in January. Or he might wait until later next year to acknowledge the deal. But in 2008, Apple will admit publicly that it has sought Redmond's blessing, yet again.
3. Games group housecleaning continues
Ever since Microsoft brought in Electronic Arts executive Don Mattrick to run its Interactive Entertainment Business, there have been a lot of changes on the gaming side of Microsoft. That's no coincidence: Mattrick is cleaning house, sources say. And one of the next casualties could be Shane Kim, Corporate VP of Microsoft Game Studios. Expect more game-related shake-ups at Microsoft in 2008.
4. Microsoft throws more dev weight behind FaceBook
Now that Facebook has opened up its development platform to other social-networking vendors, it seems obvious that Microsoft would want to get onboard. So far, other than fielding a Facebook development toolkit, Microsoft hasn't talked about its dev strategy for Facebook. But in 2008, watch for the Redmondians to announce more tools to help Facebook combat Google's (still-vaporish) OpenSocial. (And don't be surprised to see some patent-sword rattling by Microsoft regarding OpenSocial, in the process.)
5. Windows Mobile phones get Zuned
When Roz Ho left her post as head of the Microsoft Mac Business Unit earlier this year, she disappeared into the depths of the Mobile and Entertainment Division. Word is Ho is heading up the mysterious "Pink and Purple" project, which is all about bringing Zune features and functionality to Windows Mobile devices. It sounds like Ho also is part of the oft-denied skunkworks project to create a Microsoft ZunePhone. Word is some of the new Windows Mobile music features will see the light of day (in beta or final form) in 2008.
6. Office 14 hits beta
Even though Windows 7 isn't expected to ship until 2010, word is that Office 14 is still on track to be released to manufacturing in 2009. If Microsoft sticks to schedule, the company could field Beta 1 of the product in 2008.
7. More Microsoft-hosted enterprise services to debut
Microsoft is slowly but surely fielding more Microsoft-hosted enterprise services that it is marketing to large enterprises. In 2007, Microsoft made a push for Microsoft-hosted Office Communications Server, SharePoint and Exchange. In 2008, expect Microsoft to add Forefront security and a business-intelligence bundle to its Office Online price list.
8. OOXML will get the ISO nod
In February, Microsoft's Open Office XML will be up for ISO standards consideration. Despite the best attempts of Microsoft's adversaries and critics to derail it, OOXML is finally going to get the ISO nod. That doesn't mean the OOXML vs. ODF/CDF battle won't continue, given that big government contracts stipulating "open" formats are at stake. But one more hurdle for OOXML's acceptance will be behind Microsoft in the new year.
9. No Windows 7 news is good news
Windows 7 exists. Folks inside Microsoft are running early builds already. Does that mean we can count on seeing test builds of Windows 7 in 2008? I bet not. I'd be very surprised to see any kind of broad tech preview out next year. The only thing that would surprise me more: blogger Long Zheng being appointed as Microsoft's new Director of Windows Client Disclosure. Bottom line: If you're hoping to see 7 in 08, don't hold your breath.
10. Former Adobe CEO chief joins Microsoft
Bruce Chizen, Adobe's CEO who abruptly resigned in 2007, has been mum on his future plans. But sources say Chizen is going to join Microsoft to run the Expression team in the new year. As Microsoft watchers know, Adobe and Microsoft are competing head-to-head in the design-tool space. If the sources are right (and there are no non-competes in the way), Chizen may have a new roost to rule soon.
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Rabu, Januari 09, 2008
- 10 hal yang tidak anda ketahui tentang anda -
1.Your Skin Has Four Colors
All skin, without coloring, would appear creamy white. Near-surface blood vessels add a blush of red. A yellow pigment also tints the canvas. Lastly, sepia-toned melanin, created in response to ultraviolet rays, appears black in large amounts. These four hues mix in different proportions to create the skin colors of all the peoples of Earth.
2.The World Laughs with You
Just as watching someone yawn can induce the behavior in yourself, recent evidence suggests that laughter is a social cue for mimicry. Hearing a laugh actually stimulates the brain region associated with facial movements. Mimicry plays an important role in social interaction. Cues like sneezing, laughing, crying and yawning may be ways of creating strong social bonds within a group.
3.Big Brains Cause Cramped Mouths
Evolution isn't perfect. If it were, we might have wings instead of wisdom teeth. Sometimes useless features stick around in a species simply because they're not doing much harm. But wisdom teeth weren't always a cash crop for oral surgeons. Long ago, they served as a useful third set of meat-mashing molars. But as our brains grew our jawbone structure changed, leaving us with expensively overcrowded mouths.
4.Cell Hairs Move Mucus
Most cells in our bodies sport hair-like organelles called cilia that help out with a variety of functions, from digestion to hearing. In the nose, cilia help to drain mucus from the nasal cavity down to the throat. Cold weather slows down the draining process, causing a mucus backup that can leave you with snotty sleeves. Swollen nasal membranes or condensation can also cause a stuffed schnozzle.
5.Puberty Reshapes Brain Structure, Makes for Missed Curfews
We know that hormone-fueled changes in the body are necessary to encourage growth and ready the body for reproduction. But why is adolescence so emotionally unpleasant? Hormones like testosterone actually influence the development of neurons in the brain, and the changes made to brain structure have many behavioral consequences. Expect emotional awkwardness, apathy and poor decision-making skills as regions in the frontal cortex mature.
6.Thousands of Eggs Unused by Ovaries
When a woman reaches her late 40s or early 50s, the monthly menstrual cycle that controls her hormone levels and readies ova for insemination ceases. Her ovaries have been producing less and less estrogen, inciting physical and emotional changes across her body. Her underdeveloped egg follicles begin to fail to release ova as regularly as before. The average adolescent girl has 34,000 underdeveloped egg follicles, although only 350 or so mature during her life (at the rate of about one per month). The unused egg follicles then deteriorate. With no potential pregnancy on the horizon, the brain can stop managing the release of ova.
7.Much of a Meal is Food For Thought
Though it makes up only 2 percent of our total body weight, the brain demands 20 percent of the body's oxygen and calories. To keep our noggin well-stocked with resources, three major cerebral arteries are constantly pumping in oxygen. A blockage or break in one of them starves brain cells of the energy they require to function, impairing the functions controlled by that region. This is a stroke.
8.Bones Break (Down) to Balance Minerals
In addition to supporting the bag of organs and muscles that is our body, bones help regulate our calcium levels. Bones contain both phosphorus and calcium, the latter of which is needed by muscles and nerves. If the element is in short supply, certain hormones will cause bones to break downeupping calcium levels in the bodyeuntil the appropriate extracellular concentration is reached.
9.Body Position Affects Your Memory
Can't remember your anniversary, hubby? Try getting down on one knee. Memories are highly embodied in our senses. A scent or sound may evoke a distant episode from one's childhood. The connections can be obvious (a bicycle bell makes you remember your old paper route) or inscrutable. A recent study helps decipher some of this embodiment. An article in the January 2007 issue of Cognition reports that episodes from your past are remembered faster and better while in a body position similar to the pose struck during the event.
10.Your Stomach Secretes Corrosive Acid
There's one dangerous liquid no airport security can confiscate from you: It's in your gut. Your stomach cells secrete hydrochloric acid, a corrosive compound used to treat metals in the industrial world. It can pickle steel, but mucous lining the stomach wall keeps this poisonous liquid safely in the digestive system, breaking down lunch.
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Pemula atau perusahaan besar yang berpengaruh lebih pada teknologi di 2008?
Kira-kira siapa yang akan berpengaruh besar dalam dunia teknologi pada tahun 2008 ini. Mau tahu tarik ulur analisanya. Silahkan baca dan renungkan !. Baik untuk pencernaan dan tidak menyebabkan efek samping. Baik untuk bahan acuan anda yang sedang bergelut dalam dunia karir, tentu dengan pertanyaan dimana anda bekerja sekarang? dan seberapa besar perusahaannya?.
For the past four decades, the tech industry has had a romantic infatuation with startups. Much of that is due to the fact that many of today’s biggest billion dollar tech giants began as fledgling startups in basements and garages. In the 1970s and 1980s, it was mostly startups involved in the rise of the PC. In the 1990s it was startups hitched to the birth and growth of the Internet. During the past few years, the infatuation has transferred to the startups powering the Web 2.0 revolution, which is basically the transformation of the Internet into an application, services, and social collaboration platform.
While startups have an enchanting aura of energy, passion, and innovation, big companies — even the ones that used to be cool startups — are often saddled with the stereotype of being boring, bogged-down, and conservative. Nevertheless, the best, coolest, and most important work in tech is not reserved for startups. The truth is that startups and big businesses typically operate with two distinctly different sets of priorities and challenges.
All of this begs the question of whether startups or big companies will have a larger impact on business technology in 2008. The answer is complicated since startups are about new ideas and innovations and big companies are about people and processes. To take it one step further, startups are usually about launching new ideas to successfully gain a following and show the potential to become a big idea, while big companies are about about building the right teams and processes to systemically deliver successes again and again.
Beberapa prediksi yang tertampil, ditarik dari latar belakang di atas.
With that in mind, here are some predictions for tech startups and big tech companies in 2008.
In 2008, tech startups will …
•Use their nimbleness and focus to take advantage of specific opportunities that big companies have not figured out how to crack (e.g. Web video and online collaboration).
•Struggle with resources as a result of the credit crunch and the slowing world economy.
•Witness a major consolidation of Web 2.0 vendors, with some going under as they run out of money and/or don’t have a product that has differentiated itself in the market and others being acquired by competitors or big companies
•Create new markets and new opportunities with ideas that fly in the face of conventional wisdom
In 2008, big tech companies will …
•Use their experience and deep pockets to patiently wait for markets like WiMAX, UMPC, and VoIP to mature, become profitable, and eventually revolutionize certain aspects of work and play.
•Take ideas that had big potential as a startup and do the hard work of building an infrastructure to systematize and channel that potential into a sustainable success.
•Repeatedly fail to execute on ideas that they should be able to get right because of a lack of focus and/or having too many cooks in the kitchen — for example, simplifying security configuration for users and IT.
•Use their resources and scale to successfully bring great ideas to the masses and thereby make a major impact on culture and daily life (e.g. the Tablet PC and touch-based interface).
Anda tentukan sendiri yah. Tapi ingat ada pergerakan Web 2.0 ke arah positif.
So which will have the larger impact on tech in 2008? Because the Web 2.0 movement has reached the point where it’s time for consolidation, commoditization, and monetization, the pendulum is going to be swinging toward big companies in 2008. In fact, many of the Internet’s long-promised revolutionary advances (for example, in telephony, video, conferencing, and collaboration) are at the point where they need capital, organization, and systemization — all of which play to the strengths of big business.
So, Watch your step. Hah, perhatikan langkah anda. Salam.
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